Media Exposure Behavior and Satisfaction with Public Relations Media for Decision-making on Study Program at the Undergraduate Level: A Case of Thai High School Students

  • Akera Ratchavieng Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
  • Sanya Wuttikorn
  • Weerawat Pengchuay
Keywords: Media exposure behavior, satisfaction, decision-making on study program, high school and vocational  students


        This research aimed to investigate (1) the demographic variables related to media exposure behavior, and satisfaction with exposed public relations media, and 2) relationships among study plans, duration of media exposure, and influential persons for decision-making.   The subjects were 400 high school students in the academic and vocational streams in three provinces: Petchaburi, Prachuapkhirikhan, and Chumphon. The researchers used a survey questionnaire to collect data in June-September 2019. The obtained data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D), chi-square and one-way ANOVA.The results were: (1) the subjects were in favor of websites (32.80%) and social media (20.3%) as suggested by their friends (50.3%) to obtain information for decision-making on study programs at the undergraduate level; (2) the preferred duration for the exposed public relations media was 6-12 months, (2) friends are influential in decision-making, and (4) the types and channels of exposed media did not relate to their satisfaction with media exposure.  The researchers expected that the obtained findings can help universities plan for their student recruitment strategies effectively.

 Keywords: Media exposure behavior, satisfaction, decision-making on study program, high school and vocational                             students


How to Cite
Ratchavieng, A., Wuttikorn, S., & Pengchuay, W. (2022). Media Exposure Behavior and Satisfaction with Public Relations Media for Decision-making on Study Program at the Undergraduate Level: A Case of Thai High School Students. RICE Journal of Creative Entrepreneurship and Management, 3(1), 14-21. Retrieved from