About the Journal
RICE Journal of Creative Entrepreneurship and Management (RJCM)
About Us
e-ISSN 2821-9074
Print-ISSN 2730-2601
RJCM is an international journal for academics and scholars at the higher education level to communicate and share their viewpoints and academic work with fellow professionals in the areas of creative entrepreneurship and management as practiced in their fields of specializations in social sciences. Currently, it is under the supervision of Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI).
RJCM publishes three numbers per volume annually and welcomes contributors to submit their manuscript in January, May, and September of each year. We accept both academic and research papers in social sciences from contributors. The papers are double-blind three-peer-reviewed in each volume and published online-plus-print thrice a year.
The length of the unformatted manuscript in WORD can be 15-25 pages in length including references. The contents of the manuscript should include (1) a title with the author’s name, affiliate, email address and telephone contact, (2) an abstract of 150 words with 3-5 keywords, (3) an introduction, (4) a rationale and background of the study, (5) research objectives, (6) research methodology, (7) data collection procedure, (8) data analysis, (9) results and discussion, (10) research limitation (if any), (11) conclusion, (12) the author’s biography of about 50-80 words, (13) acknowledgement(s) (if any), (14) references, and (15) an appendix or appendices (if any).
All interested readers and paper contributors please contact Editor-in-Chief 2: Ruja Pholsward, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rattanakosin International College of Creative Entrepreneurship (RICE), Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR), <rujajinda@gmail.com>, <ruja.pho@rmutr.ac.th>. Please kindly note that website submission will be advised after the first editorial screening.