Relationship between Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy and Cosmetics Business Performance in Thailand


  • วุฒิธิกรณ์ ประพัศรางค์ มหาวิทยาลัยนครพนม


Integrated marketing communication strategy, performance, cosmetics business in Thailand



        This research investigated the relationship between an integrated marketing communication strategy and the performance of cosmetic businesses in Thailand. The researchers collected data from 104 voluntary marketing executives using a mailed questionnaire. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used as statistical techniques to analyze the obtained data. The results indicated that the integrated marketing communication strategy in terms of message consistency orientation and media channel aspects positively relates to and affects performance. However, the identified integrated marketing communication strategy from an inter-functional coordination aspect does not significantly affect performance. According to the obtained findings, businesses should pay attention to the procedures of strategic marketing communication planning to enhance business competency for competition and sustain environmental transformation. Such planning procedures can increase customer acceptance as the key success factor for business efficiency and effectiveness. 

Keywords: Integrated marketing communication strategy, performance, cosmetics business in Thailand 




How to Cite

ประพัศรางค์ ว. (2024). Relationship between Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy and Cosmetics Business Performance in Thailand. RICE Journal of Creative Entrepreneurship and Management www.ricejournal.Net, 4(3), 52–61. Retrieved from