Salient Factors Affecting Marketing Communication Performance

  • Nalinee Saengaran RMUTR
Keywords: Marketing, PCA, MLR, market conditions, marketing conditions, facilitation, support industries


       Marketing communication is one of the most important business activities of almost all industries in that firms are trying their best to achieve their maximum sales volume as requirement. The researcher identified three factors reported in previous studies--basic conditions, demand conditions, and facilitation from support industries--as the most salient factors in determining the marketing communication performance of a firm. The researcher used a survey questionnaire to secure 105 responses, and the obtained data were processed by Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR). The first two factors were found significant in predicting marketing communication performance while the third factor did not significantly affect marketing communication performance as expected. As a set, however, the three variables accumulatively help predict marketing communication performance by 11.7 percent.

Keywords: Marketing, PCA, MLR, basic conditions, market conditions, facilitation, support industries



How to Cite
Saengaran, N. (2022). Salient Factors Affecting Marketing Communication Performance. RICE Journal of Creative Entrepreneurship and Management, 3(3), 15-22. Retrieved from