Submission of Manuscripts

Submission of Manuscripts     

       Authors please submit a non-formatted WORD file of their manuscript in single spacing (see For Authors ) to Editor-in-Chief 2 Ruja Pholsward <>.

       The length of the unformatted manuscript in WORD can be 15-25 pages in length including references. The contents of the manuscript should include (1) a title with the author’s name, affiliate, email address and telephone contact, (2) an abstract of 150 words with 3-5 keywords, (3) an introduction, (4) a rationale and background of the study,   (5) research objectives,    (6) research methodology,    (7) data collection procedure, (8)   data   analysis,    (9) results   and   discussion,     (10)  research     limitation   (if     any),      (11)  conclusion, (12) acknowledgement(s) (if any), (13) the author’s biography of about 50-80 words, (14) references, and (15) an appendix or appendices (if any).
       As for inquiries, all interested readers and paper contributors please contact Editor-in-Chief: Ruja Pholsward, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rattanakosin International College of Creative Entrepreneurship (RICE), Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR) <>, <>. Please check RJCM Publication Policy as guidelines to paper submission.
       - The Office of the Editors-in-Chief is at Science and Technology Building, Floor 4, Rattanakosin International College of Creative Entrepreneurship (RICE), Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR), Thanon Putthamonthon Sai 5, Salaya, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand.
        - Telephone number (office): +66 2441 6000 ext 2790 Mobile: +66 81-436-1303 Website:
         - There will be no publication fee for both the online-plus-print versions for papers printed in RICE Journal of Creative Entrepreneurship and Management (RJCM) Volumes 1-4.
          - Publication Fee and Payments are effective from Volume 5 onward.
          * Reference: RICE, RMUTR Announcement on Publication Fees (Document dated 5.04.23)
          * General authors: 6,000 baht
          * RICE/RMUTR staff members: As specified in the Document dated 5.04.23.
          * Bank transfer to Krungthai Bank, Account number 459-0-58498-0 after the editor-in-chief's initial feedback to the author.
           *The author please send a copy of the transfer slip to the editor-in-chief so that the review stage can proceed.
            * Please address your inquiries to the editor-in-chief (, Tel +66 81 436 1303).

            - The latest date for submission of the first draft of the manuscript to be  published  in RJCM each year: (1) Number 1 in February, (2) Number 2 in June, and (3) Number 3 in October.