Manuscripts of Sharing Professional Viewpoint

 Manuscripts of Sharing Professional Viewpoint

       Authors please submit a non-formatted WORD file of their manuscript in single spacing  (see For Authors ) to Editor-in-Chief 2 Ruja Pholsward  <>. 

       The length of the unformatted manuscript in WORD can be 5-10 pages in length including references. The contents of the manuscript should include (1) a title with the author’s name, affiliate, email address and telephone contact, (2) an introduction, (3) a rationale and background of the issue(s) under discussion, (4) objectives, (5) investigation method as pertinent to the issue(s) under discussion, (6) discussion of specific viewpoints, (7) conclusion, (8) reflections,  (9) the author’s biography of about 50-80 words, (10) references, and (11) an appendix or appendices (if any).
        All interested readers and paper contributors please contact Editor-in-Chief: Ruja Pholsward, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rattanakosin International College of Creative Entrepreneurship (RICE), Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR) <>, <>. Please check RJCM Publication Policy as guidelines to paper submission. 
        Please note that the latest date for submission of the first draft of the manuscript to be published in RJCM each year: (1) Number 1 in February, (2) Number 2 in June, and (3) Number 3 in October.