Learners’ Satisfaction with Online Teaching and Learning Management in a Physics Course

  • Kanchana Chanprasert
Keywords: Online teaching and learning management, Physics course, learners’ satisfaction



      The purpose of this research was to study learners’ teaching and  management satisfaction in a Physics course via three Applications--Line, Google Classroom and Google Meet. The subjects were 131 university students from four faculties: (1) Agricultural Innovation, (2) Engineering, (3) Optometry, and (4) Criminology and Justice Administration; they were registered in academic year 2020 and participated in the study on a voluntary basis. Online teaching and learning management consists of LINE groups for communication, Google Classroom for a virtual classroom, and Google Meet in real time. The research instrument was a questionnaire on a Likert type scale of 5 levels, with 18 items and an open-ended question on three issues: the application system, the course management system, and the online learning system. The index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) between the items and the research purpose was not lower than 0.5. The researcher used Google Form to collect data from the participating subjects. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed the overall mean and standard deviation of students’ satisfaction in each group at a high level: Agricultural Innovation (4.5± 0.7), Engineering (4.5±0.8), Optometry (4.3±0.8) and Criminology and Justice Administration (4.5± 0.7).  

 Keywords: Online teaching and learning management, Physics course, learners’ satisfaction


How to Cite
Chanprasert, K. (2021). Learners’ Satisfaction with Online Teaching and Learning Management in a Physics Course. RICE Journal of Creative Entrepreneurship and Management, 2(2), 56-68. Retrieved from https://www.ricejournal.net/index.php/rice/article/view/rjcm.2021.31